Works of Sobriety Is a Furniture Collection Inspired by the Dogme 95 Movement

Works of Sobriety Is a Furniture Collection Inspired by the Dogme 95 Movement

Works of Sobriety is a collection presented by HAOS at Love House. Inspiration for the collection was rooted from the Dogme 95 movement – started by Danish directors Lars von Trier and Thomas Vinterberg – which serves as a purification of filmmaking, refusing special effects and technical gimmicks.

Rejecting the indulgence for expensive materials or rare expertise, the design duo chose to use humble materials such as plywood and sheet metal to construct considered objects and sculptural furniture. A shift was made away from frivolous complication and towards proportions and clarity.

The collection consists of two chairs, a square table, a wall cabinet, a bookshelf, a screen divider, a bedside table, a wall light, a table lamp, and a floor lamp. When conceiving the pieces, the studio, “took cues from traditional Japanese architecture, where harmony emerges from the geometric juxtaposition of contrasting materials, simply slid in a visible structure.”

Photos by Antoni Ciufo.


Author: Connor Renwick

I'm a store mad guy who loves sharing the best and quirkiest shopping experiences around. I live for designer fashion, Versace, high end furniture, jewellery and travel.

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