The Ode Brew Grinder Dials in the Design of Coffee Preparation

The Ode Brew Grinder Dials in the Design of Coffee Preparation

Rationally speaking, form is at its best in service of function. But emotionally speaking, who isn’t pleased when that form also pleases the fickle nature of the aesthete eye? The Ode Brew Grinder, designed by San Francisco-based design and branding agency, Branch, is possibly the first consumer priced coffee burr grinder category worthy of categorizing as a design object also equipped to produce barista-grade results for the roasted bean enthusiast.

Ode monitors the load on the motor and knows exactly when the last bean has been ground and automatically shuts itself off. Fellow has also eliminated the necessity for weighing beans, with aid dots measuring loads of 20 grams, 40 grams, or 80 grams of beans.

While most coffee grinders look perfectly suited behind the counter of a coffee shop or cafe, at best one could describe the appliances as industrial in nature; they stand out in a domestic kitchen setting and require a great deal of counter space. Fellow and Branch have different ideas with the Ode Brew Grinder, presenting a contemporary and operably simple design evocative of Dieter Rams’ work for Braun. Sheathed in a matte black finish, the Ode’s compact design is dominated by a large dial control, a focal point for making operation and control elementary.

Functionally the Ode Brew Grinder represents an appliance aimed at the home barista acquainted with the pros of preparing roasted beans with a burr grinder; equipped with professional-grade 64mm flat burrs the machine is capable to be dialed in with great accuracy, with 31 grind settings, single dose loading, and most notably a professional grade direct-drive motor with PID (proportional integral derivative) to keep the grinding process accurately consistent from start to finish. For domestic purposes, it’s also quieter than existing counterparts, a godsend for anyone who knows how loud a burr grinder can sound during the early morning hours.

Ode monitors the load on the motor and knows exactly when the last bean has been ground and automatically shuts itself off.

A grinder is one of the most crucial tools for making good coffee. It has been a product goal of ours since Fellow’s start but we didn’t want to jump the gun on such a vital part of the coffee making process. For the last two years we have been conducting user research, prototyping, and lab testing and we are proud to announce our Ode Brew Grinder…

– Jake Miller, Founder of Fellow

Fellow is going the way of a Kickstarter until February 9, 2020 to fund the launch of the Ode Brew Grinder, with a $219 “super early believer” price that shaves off $80 from its intended MSRP. Count us ready and enthused to see how this burr grinder complements some of our favorite roasters. Additional information available here.


Author: Connor Renwick

I'm a store mad guy who loves sharing the best and quirkiest shopping experiences around. I live for designer fashion, Versace, high end furniture, jewellery and travel.

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